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Cognitive Computation, 16, 1–13. Advance online publication,
December 27, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s12559-022-10081-9
Hwang GM, Kulwatno J, Cruz TH, Chen D, Ajisafe T, Monaco
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(2024). NSF DARE — Transforming Modeling in Neurorehabilitation:
Perspectives and Opportunities from US Funding Agencies. Journal of
NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitiation, 21(17).
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Hasenstaub A, Iyer R, Jolivet RB, Marzen~S, Monaco JD,
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Rotstein HG, Nadim F, and Redish AD. (2023). On the role of theory and
modeling in neuroscience. Journal of Neuroscience, 43(7),
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(2022). Bayesian optimization of distributed neurodynamical controller
models for spatial navigation. Array, 15, 100218.
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swarming in complex environments with attractor dynamics and oscillatory
computing. Biological Cybernetics, 114, 269–284.
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synchronization codes from coupled rate-phase neurons. PLOS
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correction, and remapping in a multiple oscillator model of place cell
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JD, Abbott LF, and Kahana MJ. (2007). Lexico-semantic structure
and the recognition word-frequency effect. Learning &
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Conference Papers
- Buckley E, Monaco JD, Schultz KM, Chalmers
R, Hadzic A, Zhang K, Hwang GM, and Carr MD. (2022). An
interdisciplinary approach to high school curriculum development:
Swarming Powered by Neuroscience. Proceedings 2022 IEEE Integrated
STEM Education Conference (ISEC’22).
- Hwang GM, Schultz KM, Monaco JD, and Zhang
K. (2021). Neuro-Inspired Dynamic Replanning in
Swarms—Theoretical Neuroscience Extends Swarming in Complex
Environments. Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, 35, 443–447.
- Monaco
JD, Hwang GM, Schultz KM, and Zhang K. (2019). Cognitive
swarming: An approach from the theoretical neuroscience of hippocampal
function. Proceedings SPIE (International society for optics and
photonics) Defense & Commercial Sensing. Micro- and
Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications XI, 109822D, 1–10.
doi: 10.1117/12.2518966 [pdf]
- Monaco
JD and Levy WB. (2003). T-maze training of a recurrent CA3
model reveals the necessity of novelty-based modulation of LTP in
hippocampal region CA3. Proceedings 2003 IEEE/INNS International
Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN’03), 1655–1660.
doi: 10.1109/IJCNN.2003.1223655
- Hadzic A,
Hwang GM, Zhang K, Schultz KM, and Monaco JD. (2021).
Bayesian optimization of distributed neurodynamical controller models
for spatial navigation. ArXiv Preprint.
- Buckley E,
Monaco JD, Schultz KM, Chalmers R, Hadzic A, Zhang K,
Hwang GM, and Carr MD. (2021). An interdisciplinary approach to high
school curriculum development: Swarming Powered by Neuroscience.
ArXiv Preprint. arxiv:2109.05545
- Monaco
JD, Rajan K, and Hwang GM. (2021). A brain basis of dynamical
intelligence for AI and computational neuroscience. ArXiv
Preprint. arxiv:2105.07284
- Levenstein D,
Alvarez VA, Amarasingham A, Azab H, Gerkin RC, Hasenstaub A, Iyer R,
Jolivet RB, Marzen S, Monaco JD, Prinz AA, Quraishi S,
Santamaria F, Shivkumar S, Singh MF, Stockton DB, Traub R, Rotstein HG,
Nadim F, and Redish AD. (2020). On the role of theory and modeling in
neuroscience. ArXiv Preprint. arxiv:2003.13825
- Monaco
JD, Hwang GM, Schultz KM, and Zhang K. (2019). Cognitive
swarming in complex environments with attractor dynamics and oscillatory
computing. ArXiv Preprint. arxiv:1909.06711
- Wang CH,
Monaco JD, and Knierim JJ. (2019). Hippocampal place
cells encode local surface texture boundaries. BioRxiv
Preprint. doi: 10.1101/764282
- Monaco
JD, Blair HT, and Zhang K. (2017). Spatial theta cells in
competitive burst synchronization networks: Reference frames from phase
codes. BioRxiv Preprint. doi: 10.1101/211458